
Feeling good with the bump... Apr 14, 2024

Congratulations on your pregnancy - its a very special time.  But it can also make your body feel a bit funky with all the changes - here's my top tips (and things I wish I'd done more during both of my pregnancies!!).

1) Digestion!  This can be so tricky during pregnancy as your...

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8 things you can do today to beat the overwhelm and get back to being your amazing self! relax Oct 03, 2023

We want it ALL! Even though we’ve been told we can’t have it all, we still want it!

We want aspiring careers, fulfilling relationships, vibrant social lives, picture-perfect homes, wholesome, happy families - all while striving to be the best versions of ourselves. It's a careful...

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Noticing the beauty of those tiny self-care moments... Sep 08, 2023

I wanted to share some self-care musings today that've been on my mind since it's 'back to school' week (that may mean something to you, or it may not), because everyone's talking about it. 

I like 'back to school' week, as I feel like it's a good week for reflection - it's like a...

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Beyond the Scale: Could Non-Weight Loss Goals lead to a Happier, Healthier You? Aug 30, 2023

When did ‘get fit’/'be healthy'/'feel happier' - all become so interwoven in ’lose weight'?

And can we achieve all of our goals without obsessing over counting calories? 

In over 20 years of helping women improve their well-being, it’s rare that a woman tells me her...

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Simplifying Healthy Eating: Embracing Balance and Joyful Nourishment Aug 20, 2023

You want to get healthier, but which diet should you choose? It’s a topic that often leaves us scratching our heads and feeling overwhelmed! In a world full of conflicting diet advice and a mountain of products promising magical transformations, it's time to take a step back and bring...

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Nurturing Wellbeing in the Modern Age: Embracing Change as Women Aug 10, 2023

How often do you stop to consider how different your life is from generations gone by? Just 30 yrs ago life looked very different for women and there are so many positives to celebrate....

But this ever-evolving landscape of womanhood also calls for a fresh approach to our wellbeing!

We find...

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Fit and Busy: 5 Easy Ways to Sneak Exercise into Your Day Jul 31, 2023

As busy, empowered women, you know the constant juggle of work, family, and 'the rest'. It's easy to let exercise slip through the cracks when time and energy are low.

But there's that niggling feeling; you know that taking care of our future selves is so important. I've compiled the five easiest...

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Igniting Your Well-Being: Small Steps for Big Changes Jul 21, 2023

Life can be a juggling act, especially for busy women like us who are constantly spinning plates.

Between work demands, family responsibilities, and everything in between, it's no wonder that taking care of your well-being often takes a backseat. But NOW IS THE TIME - reclaim your energy, make...

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When 10,000 steps feels like a marathon, how do we get fitter? Jul 11, 2023
Does 10,000 steps really need to be the basis or pinnacle of our wellbeing advice?

For some people, hitting 10k steps a day is a walk in the park...literally.

And it's not bad well-being advice.  We know walking is GREAT for our health.  Whole body movement, often outside in fresh...

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Say Goodbye to Sleepless Nights: Tips for a Restful Slumber Jun 28, 2023

Do you struggle to get a good night's sleep?

The frustration and exhaustion that come with restless nights can have a huge impact on your well-being. But fear not! In this blog, we'll delve into the common sleep disruptors and I'll share practical tips to help you achieve the restful sleep you...

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Postnatal wellbeing - how do I engage my CORE? Nov 28, 2022
This can feel like a bit of a challenge after your tummy has been stretched for 9 months, and the good news is, your core is probably working better than you think if you're able to stand, hold a baby, get out of bed and generally go about life.
But maybe you have a few symptoms - back...
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Five reasons Kegels aren't helping your pelvic floor Apr 21, 2022

Have you tried Kegels?  Those exercises where you squeeze 10 times..  Maybe a health practitioner has prescribed them to you?  Or maybe you didn't actually know they were called Kegels - the pelvic floor muscles exercises traditionally prescribed for women (and men) who suffer...

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